Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday on the couch

I'm in between kickball seasons, and have spent the past few days on a Netflix binge. Here's what I've watched since Friday:

Bridget Jones' Diary (STILL LOVE)
Fever Pitch (the British version)
Charlie Bartlett
La Historia Oficial (because I'd never seen it, and felt I should, as I am a big fan of Argentina)
The Tudors, Season 1 (not good, but oh so pretty)

Yes, it's been a varied selection, from 16th century England to today. I hadn't spent so much time engrossed in the Tudors since I wrote a report on Henry VIII for my 7th grade history class (I remember that he died on his half birthday, a fact I believed I closed my presentation with for no other reason than because I was 12). The movie is only historically accurate in the sense that England did have a king named Henry VIII who had many marriages, but, nonetheless, it is some enjoyable, cheesetastic viewing. Not since the memorable 2003 miniseries Kingpin has there been such a lolarious show with a cast full of gorgeous men.


Anonymous said...

you should add the classic "Troube With Angels" to you viewing schedule...a guaranteed hit!

Anonymous said...

I meant Trouble With Angels.....!

Anonymous said...
