Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Learn about me!

[F]oxymoron tagged me the other day to list 7 facts about myself. I'll do my best:

1. I believe I'm the only person in the world with my full name. None of the names are unique by themselves, and there are plenty of people with my first and last names, but my middle name throws a wrench into things

2. I think the best advice I ever got was, "Never go anywhere without a nail file."

3. I arrange my bookcases so that fiction is on the top shelves, nonfiction in the middle, and oversized books on the bottom

4. I could eat bacon three meals a day, every day

5. I'm 25. I have three sisters. The one closest in age to me is 54. My niece is 32.

6. I made sure to only apply to colleges with D1 men's basketball teams. Of course, I was part of the only class at Georgetown in years not to see them make the tournament.

7. It takes me 2-3 hours to drink a cup of coffee, even though I love it

I'm not going to tag anyone, but if any of my faithful readers would like to list anything, go ahead.


Anonymous said...

You could have made #5 even odder by stating that the two closest in age are 54!

[F]oxymoron said...

I'm beginning to think bacon is as addictive, if not more addictive than caffeine!

And I also take forever to finish a cup of coffee...