Thursday, August 28, 2008

I perhaps should have foreseen this

The name of my blog comes from a nickname my cousin gave me when I got a spare at our now defunct New Year's Day Family Bowling Extravaganza. I chose it because I like how it sounds, and because it comes with a fun hand gesture. It did not occur to me that some people might think it's associated with a certain genre of fanfiction, until I started getting those "Jonathan Horton slash" hits (eight, people! EIGHT). Yesterday, someone found my blog through a search for "Christian Bale slash." I am considering just throwing out random names of popular male celebrities just to increase hits.

And, so far, there have been no hits from people searching for "Daniel Craig slash," leading me to the irrefutable conclusion that I am right.


Gilahi said...

What, nobody has gone "Guns N Roses Slash" or "Axl Rose Slash"? Seems a natural to me.

winkingannie said...

Just wait until you mention Harry Potter. The slashers will love you. :)