Friday, August 22, 2008

A rare serious rant

If no congressional representation and a higher likelihood of being called for jury duty weren't bad enough, I found out today that my imminent move to the District means my tax dollars will be spent on this appalling plan. Oh, you say kids will prefer getting paid as opposed to serving detentions or attending summer school? How insightful of you! Hey, I've shown up to work every day this week, should I ask my boss for a little extra money on my next paycheck? It'll really encourage me to come back on Monday!

As my co-worker said, I don't know if I'm outraged or dumbfounded, or both. What does Michelle Rhee think will happen when these kids enter the working world? People already think MY generation expects praise for doing what we're expected to, but we're going to seem like Tom Brokaw's Greatest Generation compared to the ones growing up now.

Now, if you excuse me, I've got to get the kids off my lawn before I can leave for my canasta tournament.


Anonymous said...

Kids these days!!! I couldn't agree more. An orginal purpose of schooling in the US was to socialize children to function within the framework of American work & society. By adopting this policy, DC is changing the contours of acceptable interaction between the student and their operative society. In essence, this action socializes students to believe that complaince leads only to reward. This in turn undermines the point of authority which means this measure is more counterproductive then one can possibly imagine.

Anonymous said...

Exactly! My mom complains that our generation expects rewards for doing what we're supposed to! I agree. Amen!

Anonymous said...

Moira. I finally checked the blog. I am glad you are finally realizing your full potential in the blogosphere. Congrats on the positive feedback.
Let's hang out soon!