Friday, January 23, 2009


What does one wear to a monster truck rally? I'm thinking jeans, sure; my American flag hat, obviously; but what else? I'm trying to find the perfect t-shirt.

This may make me late for work.

ALSO: story.
There's a team in my kickball league called "Kickstart my Heart". Last week, I asked someone from this team why no one ever requests "Kickstart my Heart" from the DJ. His response?

"Is that a song?"

Kids today.


[F]oxymoron said...

If at all possible, you wear cheap American beer (apparel and accessories)... unless the Monster truck world has drastically changed since the 80's.

Anonymous said...

Wear a suit of armor, as a 6 year old boy was just killed in Tacoma, WA by a piece of metal that flew off one of the trucks at such a rally! Great family pasttime, obviously.