Friday, August 7, 2009

Fun with checks

So, I'm going to run out of checks soon. What do you all think of this selection for my next set?

Or these, which I think send the perfect message to those to whom I'm indebted.

I AM moving to the South.

If you have to cut down on the amount of money you're giving for Christmas or Easter, here's a great set to fend off any complaints with a good old-fashioned guilt trip.

And, finally, I refuse to purchase these, since I only choose to remember skinny Elvis.


Cat said...

My favorite part is the states in the second link. 2RICH4U sucka!

Anonymous said...

oh my god, none of these...keep them guessing and get plain!

Anonymous said...

Please I beg you, no Nascar...that is way too Southern...go for Elvis, even if he is fat, before Nascar! And I don't even like Elvis....