Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Metro's Saunas

Has anyone else noticed a high number of cars on the Red Line that are without a functioning cooling system? I was on another one today, and I knew before I stepped into the car that it was going to be a sauna, what with the haze visible through the windows and the number of seats vacant at 8:50 AM at Van Ness. Nevertheless, I got on, because I wanted a seat, dammit. And I think the car in front of it had the same problem.

I'm glad I only have two more weeks or riding the Red Line regularly, although I never thought I'd say that I'm looking forward to the Orange Line. I think the bus and I are going to be good friends.


cari c said...

Saw your comment in the Express. What I haven't noticed is a high number of cars on the red line! What is up with the 6 car trains at rush hour???

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you but the Orange Line is no better! I often arrive at home sweaty and miserable.

Unknown said...

Saw your comment in the paper as well. Sorry to tell you that the orange line isn't any better.