Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Being Lazy

Yes, I'm straight-up copying this list from my facebook note:

That 25 things list everyone's been doing

1. I believe that no one else in the world has my full name.

2. I hate olives. They're the only food I will pick out of a dish.

3. I don't really like wine.

4. I hated cats until I got to know Mr. PooBaby J. Verest.

5. I never thought Futurama was funny.

6. I love birthdays. Yours and mine.

7. My favorite Sunday of the year is Selection Sunday.

8. I love karaoke

9. I want to go to every country in Latin America.

10. Even though Brazil scares the hell out of me.

11. More than Colombia

12. I love Snoopy. But Rerun is my favorite Peanuts character.

13. I don't believe in fabric softener.

14. The most depressing place I've ever been is Syracuse, NY.

15. I haven't had a soda since April, 2006

16. Unless you count soda mixed with liquor.

17. When I was ten, I had to stop my sister from inadvertently helping someone steal our father's car.

18. I have no patience.

19. I was a proud Republican until age 12.

20. My parents hated that.

21. My favorite movie is Mean Girls.

22. My favorite Saturday of the year is the first Saturday of Rehoboth week.

23. I love the ocean.

24. It is the only part of nature that I am on good terms with.

25. Like Toast, I love all things ridiculous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The olive thing must be hereditary- but I also pick out lima beans from any dish (usually soup, but also succotash) that is fouled by them.