Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why not 52-48?

I was reading this article from Thursday's Post on young conservatives, and a particular part stuck out at me. See if you have the same reaction:

Later, in a phone interview, Siggins says he struggles with some of his party's more culturally orthodox ideals. "Because I am in this generation and was raised in a pro-gay-marriage era, I am only a little bit against gay marriage, but only a little, like 53 percent to 47," he says. "I have about a dozen gay friends, 30 or 20, and they would all back me up. In college, I used to have lunch with them. . . . We went ice skating once."

A few things.

1) How can you be "only a little bit" against gay marriage? It's not like gun control or abortion, where you can say you're for it in this instance but not in that one. Either you think they should be allowed to get married or you don't. And what would 53% be, anyway? "Well, you can get married, but the reception is going to be cash bar. Open bar is for us straight folk. THEN NO ONE WILL WANT TO COME TO YOUR WEDDING ANYWAY, HAHAHAHA. My evil plan, let me show you it!"

2) I suddenly feel as though every friendship I've ever had with a gay person has been a sham. Why? Because we have never gone ice skating. Clearly, that is the pinnacle of gay-straight platonic relationships. Here I was, thinking that the nights singing along to Kelly Clarkson were enough. What must I do to reach that ice skating level, gay friends?!?

3) The gentleman quoted above is obviously the heterosexual most beloved by any gay person ever. Why, he claims to have a dozen gay friends! (Although I am wondering when a dozen became 20-30...was this covered on the same day we discussed straight/gay ice skating?) And they would all back him up! Remembering their days at the lunch table! Seriously, can you even remember who you used to eat lunch with at college? I don't think I even liked half the people. Dinner was MUCH more of a sign of friendship.

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