Friday, March 13, 2009

Ojo de bife!

Just got back from a night out, at the early hour of 4:30 (yes, that is early). Had a good steak with fries for dinner, and then some beer and a drink called crisis de identidad, with Gancia, Cachaça, orange juice, and sugar. Good stuff.

I learned some things about my companions tonight. One of them, a gentleman on spring break from college, took an extra-long break by taking his exams early. How did he manage that? He told his professors that he was coming down here to do volunteer work. Since he gave two pesos to a kid today, he thinks that fulfills his obligations.

I also learned, from someone who works for the company, that no alcohol is permitted on Exxon ships, as a result of the Exxon Valdez. When asked if drinking was a factor in that incident, he said, "it was part of it." From now on, whenever I do something sort of dumb while under the influence, I plan on yelling, WELL, AT LEAST I HAVEN´T CAUSED A HUGE ECOLOGICAL DISASTER TONIGHT. I advise you all to do the same. Unless, of course, your evenings often end with you dumping oil on baby seals, in which case, search for another man-made disaster that was probably caused by drunken folk. I´m sure there are many.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the person's excuse to take his exams early...only sorry I hadn'tthought of it when I needed to!!!