Thursday, July 10, 2008


A little quiz:
How many oceans are there? If you're, oh, 22 and over, I'm guessing you said 4, meaning the 4 that God intended there to be: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic. Well, that, apparently, is wrong. It has come to my attention, via my smartass cousin, that there is a FIFTH ocean, the "Southern." It's meant to be the southern version of the Arctic Ocean, but I guess the powers-that-be didn't see that the water in said "ocean" is already in a SEPARATE ocean. The Arctic is an entity unto itself!
How was this decided, you ask? According to that bastion of truth, Wikipedia, 68 nations were polled, 28 responded, and 27 of those approved. NOT ENOUGH.
I am quite upset about this. The whole Pluto thing didn't much bother me, but this does. I'd just like to give a shout-out to Argentina, the one nation to stand up for the natural order of things.
¡Aguante Argentina!

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