Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm actually not a fan of yellow

I'm heading out of town this weekend for my cousin's 8th birthday. Instead of specific gifts, my family tends to just give money. I'm not sure when this practice started, but I'm amazed it made it past my 5th birthday.
See, I have a cousin who's just a few months older than I. She's one of my best friends now, but we had some jealousy issues when we were children. On Christmas 1987, our grandfather gave her a check for her birthday, since it falls in early January. I started crying that I wanted one too, as four-year-olds are wont to do. My grandfather refused, and, faced with the long wait until May, my tantrum only intensified. My mother was finally able to calm me down, when Little Miss Birthday Girl nonchalantly turned to me and asked, "Do you like the color yellow?". "Yes," I whimpered. "Well, that's the color of the check."
Oh yes she did.
Needless to say, the screaming commenced anew. My mother lost it and yelled at her father to just write me a check already, which he reluctantly did. Victory was mine!
I have to admit that I have no recollection of this event, and knew nothing about it until a few years ago. My mother was surprised, since I apparently remembered it for months afterward. You see, our grandfather died between our birthdays that year, and I told my mom, "It's a good thing he gave me that check."

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