Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I need a patent lawyer!

Some coworkers and I like to break up the monotony of local restaurants with quarterly "fests" of food from other parts of the city. We've had PizzaFest, and tomorrow was supposed to be our first HoagieFest, catered by Philadelphia Cheesesteak Factory. I had high hopes for HoagieFest, with dreams of future generations marking the day with Cheez Whiz topped treats and leaving Amoroso rolls out for Hoagie Claus. Then I saw a billboard for this on 95 this past weekend. I never thought I'd say this, but damn those people at Wawa! Why'd they have to go and steal my thunder?!? And finding out the next day that they no longer have Oreo shakes did nothing to improve my mood, I'll have you know.
Whatever. Until they open a location inside the Beltway, I refuse to acknowledge their "trademarks."

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