Thursday, July 24, 2008

¿Dónde Están? UPDATE

Once again, the Argentines are making their presence known in the neighborhood. They are using the sidewalks to announce their arrival to those of us in the know. At least, they're hoping we'll think they're Argentine.
Check out this picture of the sidewalk near the Chico's:

Someone has clearly carved out part of the concrete in the shape of the Argentine Republic. He must be very proud of his Argentine heritage, correct? NO, SIR, HE IS NOT.

Take a close look at the image above, compare it to this map below, and see if you can find what's missing.

That's right. Whoever did this "tribute" did not include the Malvinas. Why not just burn a few hundred Argentine flags while you're at it, buddy?
Because I hold such a strong love for this wonderful nation, I have made my own version:

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